Saturday, April 9, 2011

So... I don't know how I'm not crazy yet. I have one fiancee (Mr. Man), one 11 year-old sister (Vi), one fish,  two big dogs, and most prominently (meaning loudly) TWO little beasts.
My life is rather like an intensely noisy and manic live-action version of Whack a mole. One down for a nap, the other wakes up. One finishes eating and the other is ravenous. One... okokok. I made my point.
Thing # 1 (Pumkinhead) is my 20 month-old daughter, who is intent on destroying the house, it's contents, and my nerves faster than the Taz from Looney Tunes jacked up on a couple of Mountain Dew Amps.

Thing # 2 (no nickname yet!) is my 6 week-old son, whose goals consist of spending hours on the boob tube -and I am not referring to TV here- and taking naps that would make Rip Van Winkle blush. Oh and the occasional 3 A.M. screaming fit, which I believe is just to wake his sister, and therefore, the whole house up.

And then there is me. I am a completely normal pull-your-hair-out-at-home mom  stay-at-home mom.            I used to love to cook before this:

                                              Art copyrighted 1988 by Gregory Eaton Clark

I love to read, I like to make lists. I plan a lot, and get, well, not enough done.
I also like:
My skinny jeans
Fitting INTO said jeans
76 degree weather
Plugging my ears in the tub so I can't hear anybody banging on the bathroom door
Reese's big cups
Lindor Truffles
Mountain Dew
Homemade chicken Alfredo
Laughing at my own jokes when no one else thinks they're funny...

I get obsessed with things, sometimes. Right now it's diapers. CLOTH DIAPERS!!! Of all shapes, sizes, patterns, and COLORS! BRIGHT COLORS, cute patterns, and a lot of freakin' pee! I don't really like that last bit too much, but the kidlets look too cute in cloth to pass up. After I do the wash, I'll post pics.
Uh oh I forgot I had clothes in the washer. They've been there since this morning and it's like 85 degrees, so they prolly need to be redone. I'll post more tomorrow.